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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How to Host the BEST Sleepover!

 I L-O-V-E LOVE sleepovers!!!!!! They're like parties you can spend the night at. Here, at this site, I will tell you host to be the best slumber party host of all time! You can always spend the night at a friends house but it has to be okay with your and their parents.


  1. Remember:
    Tacos are always in style for great party food! So you don't have to always go with pizza no matter how good it is. Tacos are healthier and you can add all sorts of toppings like avocados, sour cream tomatoes, lettuce, and all sorts of things. But for a lot of fun here are some more ideas. Invite a MINIMUM of 4 guests so you can get a lot of attention. You can also have a theme for your party. It could be celebrity night, lollipop night, happy night, cards night, or even horror night where you tell scary stories. BRING SOME MUSIC!!!!!!! What kind of party has no music? Bring CD's or your i pod and i home to make the amp go as high as you want. You can also bring movies. Last time I went to a sleepover at Amadi's house, we saw Norbit. We went on the 4TH of February. It was sooooooooo fun. We did our nails, danced to music and even told secrets. It was awesome!!!! Please bring candy! B) every body loves candy. And always remember the sacred sleepover rule: What hapens at the sleepover, stays at the sleepover.

  2. ok i will use those good tips always
