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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Valentine's Day

It's time for VALENTINES!!!! Some great Valentines day ideas will be posted here for you and that special someone. (Ooo La La!) But feel free to post other Valentines Day ideas. On this site only of course!


  1. 1) First what is really nice, give that special someone a lollipop. I know I love lollipops!!!
    2) Give them a card with something that says something to make them feel good for choosing you as a Valentine. (Unless you asked them.... Talk about VISE VERSA!!!
    3) Give them a nice flower red for if you love them, purple if you're shy around them, or pink if you like them as a close friend.
    This is all i have in my mind right now but I'm sure i'll post something different soon.

  2. good tips again i shall use them , how do u get these gr8 tips zozo
